How to Become a Ridiculously Organised Entrepreneur, with Lisa Woodruff
When running a business, chaos always seems to find a way to creep into things. Some entrepreneurs can work with the chaos, while others can get bogged down by it. However, all successful entrepreneurs can agree that there needs to come a time to cut through the clutter. My guest for today's show, Lisa Woodruff is a professional organizer who is all about sharing her love of organization and why it takes more than just a check-list or a schedule. In this episode we talk about why entrepreneurs aren't prioritizing organization for their businesses as much as they should be, and what they are struggling with to get organized. We also talk about our favorite tools and methods to keep your schedule efficient and running smoothly. Lisa delivered so many great tips and insights during our chat on why taking the time to organize will help you grow your business, so tune in, take notes and enjoy! Essential Learning Points From This Episode:Lisa and Chris talk about the new stats when it comes to measuring business today. How to be more organized on a day-to-day basis. Why you need focus to start the organizational process. Lisa talks about why you should be focusing on three goals at one time. Why delegating household tasks can help you running your business. Much, much more! Important Links a Mentions From This Episode: (Lisa Woodruff's website) (Lisa Woodruff on Twitter) (Virtual Freedom) (Fresh Books) (Infusionsoft) (Aweber) (ConvertKit) (Youpreneur Launchpad) YOUPRENEUR ACADEMY Thank You for Tuning In!There are a lot of podcasts you could be tuning into today, but you chose mine, and I'm grateful for that. If you enjoyed today's show, please share it by using the social media buttons you see at the top and bottom of this page. Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to (leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes), they're extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and you can bet that I read every single one of them personally! Lastly, don’t forget to (subscribe to the podcast on iTunes), to get automatic updates every time a new episode goes live!