Why Entrepreneurs Should Never Get Tired of Pivoting, with Jenny Blake
The art of pivoting is one that many entrepreneurs have had to learn in order to adapt and innovate within their niches. Jenny Blake joins the show to talk about her entrepreneurial journey, her latest book Pivot, and why we need to embrace pivoting in our businesses and why it's all part of the game! Tune in as we talk about why we should stop taking pivots personally, the power of delegation and how it's changed how Jenny runs her business and manages her team. We also discuss the importance of taking breaks and avoiding entrepreneurial burnout. This episode is a goodie as we share our own pivots in our businesses and what set us off on our new paths. Sit back, enjoy and dive into this episode of Youpreneur FM! Essential Learning Points From This Episode:Why Jenny considers marketing her Achilles Heel. What Jenny's word of the year is, when it comes to book marketing. Chris and Jenny talk about their entrepreneurial pivot stories and what brought them about. Why Jenny focused on podcasting when it came to marketing her book. What Jenny means by "stress is a systems problem". Much, much more! Important Links a Mentions From This Episode:http://www.jennyblake.me/ (Jenny Blake's Website) https://twitter.com/jenny_blake (Jenny Blake on Twitter) http://amzn.to/2dNlHz2 (Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One) http://amzn.to/2ePSgAK (Life After College) http://amzn.to/1tE69pb (Virtual Freedom) http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/ (Pat Flynn) http://www.jamesaltucher.com/category/the-james-altucher-show/ (The James Altucher Show) http://jordanharbinger.com (Jordan Harbinger) https://meetedgar.com/ (MeetEdgar) https://asana.com/ (Asana) http://chrisducker.com/launchpad (Launchpad) http://chrisducker.com/launchpad (Build the Business of You) YOUPRENEUR ACADEMY Thank You for Tuning In!There are a lot of podcasts you could be tuning into today, but you chose mine, and I'm grateful for that. If you enjoyed today's show, please share it by using the social media buttons you see at the top and bottom of this page. Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to https://www.chrisducker.com/itunes (leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes), they're extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and you can bet that I read every single one of them personally! Lastly, don’t forget to https://www.chrisducker.com/itunes (subscribe to the podcast on iTunes), to get automatic updates every time a new episode goes live!