The Personal Brand Building Journey According to Peter Shankman

Personal branding is the cornerstone of successful business today. Whether you're running a brick and mortar shop or providing services online, you need a personal brand. Here again to talk about his own journey of personal branding is the marvelously talented and funny - and wise - Peter Shankman. He is one of my favorite people to talk to, especially about public relations, customer service and getting eyeballs on your business. But today's chat is a little different. Rather than the usual how-to type of interview, Peter and I have a fireside chat. We're just two friends talking everything from what makes him tick, why fun is key to anything he does and how he's changing the world with his Faster Than Normal Brand. Equal parts hilarious and insightful, episode 172 of Youpreneur FM is one you should not miss! So grab your notepad or your Evernote, and tune in. Essential Learning Points From This Episode:What's the number one mistake most people make? How does he plan his monetization strategies? Why passive income is BS, according to Peter. What is personal capital and how do you grow it? What is the one thing he won't waver on when it comes to his personal brand? Much, much more! Important Links a Mentions From This Episode: (Peter Shankman's web site) (Peter's mastermind) (Peter Shankman on Twitter) (Peter Shankman on Instagram) (How to Become a PR Ninja, with Peter Shankman) (Me and Ted Against The World), by Reese Schonfeld (Tropical Think Tank 2017!) (Build the Business of You) (Youpreneur Academy) Thank You for Tuning In!There are a lot of podcasts you could be tuning into today, but you chose mine, and I'm grateful for that. If you enjoyed today's show, please share it by using the social media buttons you see at the top and bottom of this page. Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to (leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes), they're extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and you can bet that I read every single one of them personally! Lastly, don’t forget to (subscribe to the podcast on iTunes), to get automatic updates every time a new episode goes live!

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