How One Entrepreneur Become a Brand Building Machine, with John Cordray
Today's episode is the start of a new addition to the Youpreneur FM show: once a month I'll be chatting with a member of my mastermind community about their journey, and how becoming a part of the Youpreneur mastermind has changed their business, their lifestyle and all the rest! Our inaugural guest is the calm expert, Mr. John Cordray. John is a therapist with a private practice who decided about a year ago he wanted to get online and help more people. So he did what all good entrepreneurs do: he found a few leaders to follow and listen to, myself included. He tuned into this show and when I announced the Youpreneur mastermind was opening up he jumped in. On today's episode John is sharing where he was when he first joined the community, and what his intentions were, how that one decision has changed so much of his life as well as his tips to help entrepreneurs stay calm in any situation! You're going to love this conversation so sit back and enjoy some moments of Zen on episode 160 of Youpreneur FM. Essential Learning Points From This Episode:Why John is such a cheerleader of the Youpreneur mastermind community. How he landed two speaking gigs at Periscope Summit. Why did he start his Keep Calm Academy? How to find a balance between the emotional mind and the rational mind. Is a certain amount of anxiety and stress a good thing? Much, much more! Important Links a Mentions From This Episode: (John Cordray's website) (The John Cordray Show) (Keep Calm Academy) (John Cordray on Twitter) (John Cordray on Periscope) (This episode has been sponsored by Fresh Books!) (Build the Business of You) (The Virtual Freedom Book 2 year anniversary) Youpreneur Academy Thank You for Tuning In! There are a lot of podcasts you could be tuning into today, but you chose mine, and I'm grateful for that. If you enjoyed today's show, please share it by using the social media buttons you see at the top and bottom of this page. Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to (leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes), they're extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and you can bet that I read every single one of them personally! Lastly, don’t forget to (subscribe to the podcast on iTunes), to get automatic updates every time a new episode goes live!