The One Not-So-Secret Activity that can Cure Entrepreneurial Loneliness

Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely experience; in my 13 years on this journey I've had that feeling more than a few times! If you've felt lonely or isolated you aren't alone, it's something all of us go through. There is one thing I have found is the most effective cure: masterminds. Whether it's attending an event like the one I'm hosting in London on May 7th of this year, or joining a community like my Youpreneur group, a mastermind is a surefire fix for entrepreneurial loneliness. On today's episode I share why I believe in mastermind events and communities so strongly, what you can expect to get out of attending an event or joining a group and much more! Listen in, soak it up and then create your own or join a mastermind. Essential Learning Points From This Episode: Why co-working spaces aren't a long-term solution. What will you get out of attending my event in London? Why do you need a mastermind session or mastermind group for your business? When is the best time to join a mastermind community or attend an event? Why I love mastermind events and believe in them. Much, much more! Important Links a Mentions From This Episode: (Join my first mastermind of 2016!) (Virtual Freedom) – My book on building a virtual team to build your business. Youpreneur Academy Thank You for Tuning In! There are a lot of podcasts you could be tuning into today, but you chose mine, and I'm grateful for that. If you enjoyed today's show, please share it by using the social media buttons you see at the top and bottom of this page. Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to (leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes), they're extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and you can bet that I read every single one of them personally! Lastly, don’t forget to (subscribe to the podcast on iTunes), to get automatic updates every time a new episode goes live!

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