Grant Cardone: 10X Your Life
Grant Cardone destroys everything you think you know about money. Grant Cardone is the best selling author of The 10x Rule, Sell or Be Sold and If You're Not First You're Last. Grant is a sales trainer, speaker, and entrepreneur. Grant Cardone is a real estate mogul who built a $566 million portfolio of multi-family properties from scratch. Do you know why you should not save money? Are you selfish and don't even know it? What are Network Marketers doing wrong? Grant answers all of these questions, plus talks about his substance addiction and rebounding from losing everything in 2008. This interview will change the way you look at life. This Podcast is brought to you by Go Pro Recruiting Mastery. The #1 generic training event for our profession in the world. Join us in Las Vegas, Nevada December 4th-6th at the MGM Grand Garden Arena. You will hear from superstar thought leaders Magic Johnson, John Maxwell, and dozens of Million-Dollar Earners. It's an extraordinary event. If you have never been, you owe it to yourself and your team to be there. If you would like to learn more about it go to Here are some key points in the interview: 8:00 - Grant talks about why he hated sales. 13:47 - Grant tells you why saving money is a myth. 17:43 - What are the financial traps for Americans? 19:00 - Eric and Grant discuss the worst formula to gain wealth. 29:25 - Grant explains how to use money. 36:40 - Why your selfish and you don't even know it. 42:00 - Eric and Grant debate what Network Marketers do. 48:00 - Where should Network Marketers start? 56:30 - Why is obsession good? 1:05:03 - Grant gives advice on what Network Marketing needs to change. 1:06:10 - Eric gives Grant the last word. All copyrighted materials are used with permission from Artists, Authors a Musicians.