#70 Finish Strong
We’re two weeks from being through with 2018! Where did the year go? Are you on track with crushing your business goals It's easy to begin the New Year with big goals, dreams and things we want to accomplish in the next 12 months. But it's not always easy to stay on track. Life takes over, ambition fades, and before you know it, December has rolled around. If you want to make sure you finish 2018 strong, and get set for 2019 I've laid out five things you can do that will lead to explosive growth in your business. But before we get to the good stuff, let's do a quick year-end check-in. _______________________________________________________ Get my NEW book Pragmatic Prosperity now! Download Think and Grow Rich ---g CLICK HERE Listen on iTunes or Listen to/download this episode here: Love the show? Tweet me a shoutout at: @Cindybbrown777 Want to sponsor episodes of Unlocking the Secret of Living Rich? Email Cindy at : cindy@cindybrown.com Mentioned in this show: Follow us on Facebook: Cindy B Brown Subscription/SocialLinks: Subscribe on iTunes! Subscribe to the Living Rich Mailing List http://www.cindybbrown.com LIVE RICH!