#67 Gratitude and Wealth

Are you thankful for what you have in your life? Do you recognize that on a daily basis when you get up in the morning? You need to.  Do you realize that the Millionaire Mindset always incorporates a grateful outlook? And this state of mind does not begin after the wealth has arrived but beforehand. By intentionally applying the Law of Gratitude, you act as though the Universe or divinity, depending on how you see it, exists to provide what you really want, when you ask for it. You believe that you are worthy of what you get, regardless of what it is you get. You connect to what you have and behave commensurate to it. People who don't have this sort of ongoing appreciation constantly end up poor, living in scarcity or not getting the lifestyle they want to have. This week, lets learn the ways to use gratitude to expand out wealth! _______________________________________________________ Get my NEW book Pragmatic Prosperity now! Download Think and Grow Rich ---g CLICK HERE Listen on iTunes or Listen to/download this episode here: Love the show? Tweet me a shoutout at: @Cindybbrown777 Want to sponsor episodes of Unlocking the Secret of Living Rich?  Email Cindy at : cindy@cindybrown.com Mentioned in this show: Follow us on Facebook: Cindy B Brown Subscription/SocialLinks: Subscribe on iTunes! Subscribe to the Living Rich Mailing List http://www.cindybbrown.com LIVE RICH!

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