#65 Is is time to quit?
Every entrepreneur asked them selves from time to time-is it time to throw in the towel? This is a tough decision because going on anon at any cost is a bad decision. This week we’re going to cover the questions you should ask yourself to help make a decision about staying the course or moving on. _______________________________________________________ Get my NEW book Pragmatic Prosperity now! Download Think and Grow Rich ---g CLICK HERE Listen on iTunes or Listen to/download this episode here: Love the show? Tweet me a shoutout at: @Cindybbrown777 Want to sponsor episodes of Unlocking the Secret of Living Rich? Email Cindy at : cindy@cindybrown.com Mentioned in this show: Follow us on Facebook: Cindy B Brown Subscription/SocialLinks: Subscribe on iTunes! Subscribe to the Living Rich Mailing List http://www.cindybbrown.com LIVE RICH!