Hits and Misses: Kishore's Journey from IIT-M to Starting-Up
We're back with our latest episode! It's one that's very close to our hearts for a variety of reasons. Today's guest is Kishore Natarajan, an IITM alumnus and the co-founder of Hyperverge (where Sabya works), a deep-tech startup based out of Bangalore and San Francisco. Interviewing Kishore was something that was always on the back of our minds and we had a great time speaking to him about his time at IITM, the joy of entrpreneurship and the struggles faced by young founders. He shares several fascinating stories, right from how the team came up with the name 'Hyperverge' to how they handled failure and retained talent. We had a lot of fun speaking to him and we hope y'all will enjoy the episode as well!