Where to Find the Best Cheese Curds: Part 2
The Cabin is presented by the Wisconsin Counties Association and this week we’re featuring Marinette County; https://bit.ly/3hPiwKZ
The Cabin is presented by Jolly Good Soda! Find them at your local grocery store and follow them on social media @jollygoodsoda; http://bit.ly/DWxJollyGood
Campfire Conversation: As Wisconsinites, we could talk about cheese curds…pretty much every day. Plus, when National Cheese Curd Day is on October 15th…we really could talk about them for hours! While we all have our favorites for fresh and fried curds, today we have a special guest on to share her top favorites in the state. The Wisconsin Cheese Queen, aka Samantha Buschman, is in The Cabin to go over her 2 years of curd research on Instagram with us and dish where the best curds in the state are!
Behind-the-Scenes with Discover Wisconsin; Learn all about our upcoming episode shining a light on Lake Geneva with videographer, Connor!
This Week’s Wisconsin Treasure is sponsored by BetterHelp and you get 10% off your first month at betterhelp.com/cabinpod! This week we are featuring Dylan’s Dairy from the Make-A-Wish Foundation!
Shop Discover Wisconsin; Check out the Cabin Podcast merch and use code “CABIN” for a discount at; https://bit.ly/3PEtnFN
Group Health Trust; Serving local governments and school districts, the WCA Group Health Trust partners closely with members to fulfill their employee health benefit obligations in a fiscally responsible manner. Learn more at https://bit.ly/3JMizCX
Marshfield Clinic; All of Us Research Program; https://bit.ly/3klM56E
Know Your Wisconsin: Enbridge; https://bit.ly/3yo72FT