Modern Marketing (Eugenio Oller, Emprende Aprendiendo)
Learn how Eugenio Oller has grown not only engaged YouTube and social media audiences, but also multiple online businesses of his own for Spanish entrepreneurs and business owners. To learn more about Euge Oller, Aprende Aprendiendo, or Teachable, visit Eugenio (Euge) Oller has dedicated the last few years to helping aspiring Spanish business owners create and utilize YouTube vídeos and online courses. Euge himself has been sharing videos on YouTube since he was a teenager, when he was first showing off his skateboard tricks. And from that young age. Euge saw how powerful the internet could be. On top of that, he realized that modern marketing wasn’t something you could read about in a textbook. So today, he’s here to share not only how he’s learned what type of marketing and connections work in internet world, but also how he’s used that knowledge to build his own digital marketing and business school for Spanish entrepreneurs.