How to Hire People Who Can Run Your Business BETTER Than You

Matthew is on a personal mission to help entrepreneurs who are completely buried and being held back by the day-to-day operations to focus on growth and taking action that matters. He is the Founder of Extend Your Team.  And “Extend Your Team” connects the best remote workers to U.S. businesses. Unlike other agencies, we source, onboard, coach, offer healthcare, and free high-speed internet to our global team members to ensure that you are successful. How Matthew WENT from working 14 hours a day to 3 hours a day within 45 days. What you need to FOCUS on as an entrepreneur (no, it's not operations or social media) The TRUTH about companies hiring people overseas How to find the people who can run your business BETTER than you Why you should NOT hire a VA (hire your next business leader instead!) What you will learn That most opportunities are an accident and not planned. How a side hustle became a big business opportunity Why spreading the risk is important when a crisis happens How Matthew went from working 60 hours a week to 15 hours a week and makes more money. How to hire a manager for your business Why you shouldn’t hire a VA (Virtual Assistant) Why you should fire yourself  The importance of creating a job description. The importance of documenting your processes to scale your business Tools for remote work worth checking out for team tasks, managing, documenting your training and processes. Loom Asana Monday Process Street

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