The 3 Big Tech Shifts That Changed The World
Dr. Rick Chromey is a cultural explorer, social historian, generational futurist and international keynote speaker. A best-selling author, he has penned over a dozen books on leadership, natural motivation, creative communication, and classroom management. His most recent work, GenTech: An American Story of Technology, Change, and Who We REALLY Are is now available online and in bookstores everywhere. His book is a humorous romp exploring why labeling people by when they are born, like “Baby Boomers” and “Millennials” just doesn’t work! Instead, Dr. Chromey explores the technology we use during our “coming of age” years between 10 and 25 years-old. Learning where people fit and the wealth of what they bring through technology use will change lives, whether in the boardroom or classroom. Learn more about Rick at Rick has served as a pastor, professor, speaker/trainer, and consultant, working in the nonprofit and corporate sectors. In 2017, he founded MANNA! Educational Services International to inspire and equip leaders, teachers, pastors, and parents. Rick holds a doctorate in leadership and emerging culture; and travels the U.S. and world to speak on culture, faith, history, education, and leadership topics. What you will learn The technology that is transforming who and what we are as humans. Discover the 3 phases of the last 100 years How technology impacts each generation between the ages of 10 and 25 Why we are at the start of the robo generation When did the age of robots start? Discover the addictive technologies How the last 150 years of the technology of audio, video and digital is changing our world The one big weakness of robots The importance of a digital detox for mental health