007: The Art of Photography with Ashley and Gabe from Not Without Salt
For this episode of the Food Blogger Pro podcast, Bjork and Lindsay team up to talk with Ashley and Gabe Rodriguez from the blog Not Without Salt. On the last episode of the FBP podcast, Bjork interviewed Hilah Johnson and Chris Sharpe from the YouTube cooking channel Hilah Cooking. We got a real-life look into what it takes to run a successful cooking channel and the work it took to get there. If you didn't get a chance to listen to that episode (or if you want to hear it again!), click here. The Art of Photography with Ashley and Gabe from Not Without Salt Not Without Salt was the winner of the 2013 Saveur Best Cooking Blog award. That's a big deal. But this award wasn't just handed over to Ashley and Gabe - no, it was won after years and years of dedication and hard work. Photography and art are two really important things to both Ashley and Gabe - Ashley went to school to be a high school art teacher, and Gabe shoots weddings for a living. However, it's at the intersection of photography and art where the blog Not Without Salt really shines. {image2} In this 64-minute episode, Ashley and Gabe reveal: How they work together as a team to get work done and still enjoy their lives How Not Without Salt got started Where Ashley finds motivation to keep it up after all these years Why Gabe started taking the photos - and how Ashley took over and learned the trade Their individual pieces of advice for how to get better at photography Why experiencing The Resistance means you're doing something right The tools they use during and after shooting The advice they would give themselves back when they got started Resources: Not Without Salt 2013 Saveur Cooking Blog of the Year foodbloggerpro.com/episode7 Date Night In Cookie Mix The War of Art Bird By Bird by Ann LaMott Canon 5D Mark II Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Lens VSCO Filters Lens Extension tubes foodbloggerpro.com/notwithoutsalt If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for interviews, be sure to email them to podcast@foodbloggerpro.com.