062 | You Can Have it All - with Susan Sly
Today I’m so happy to be sharing a conversation with one of my greatest inspirations and mentors, Susan Sly!! This amazing woman is a best-selling author, speaker, trainer, and serial entrepreneur. She is the author of 7 books, including Have It All Woman and Organize Your Life. Susan has accomplished so much, but she wasn’t “just born this way,” the excuse that so many people use when getting the most out of life feels difficult – she made herself into a #bossbabe and you can too! You Will Hear About: [1:30] How Susan got into the business world (at 11 years old!) [3:55] When something has to change [6:20] Susan’s tech startup [9:00] The power of email marketing [14:45] What can you do if your family members don’t support you? [19:50] Overcoming the mom guilt [23:35] Building up your children [32:10] Should you hire a coach? [37:10] Should all aspiring network marketers go through NLP training? [40:00] Navigating your relationship with your spouse when you start a business [43:30] Being shameless Resources: Learn more at https://susansly.com/ (susansly.com) Work with Susan’s Infusionsoft agency: theagency8.com Listen: The Susan Sly Project Instagram: @susansly Facebook: facebook.com/SusanSlyLive Twitter: @susan_sly YouTube: youtube.com/user/SusanSlyLive Are you enjoying the show? I want to know! http://getpodcast.reviews/id/1370982175 (Click here to leave a review on iTunes). Mommy Millionaire is produced by Podcast Masters