036 | The Process of Letting Go (Mommy Millionaire Minute)
If you’re holding onto junk in your heart and in your life, it will hold you back – and sometimes we don’t even realize that there’s junk inside of us because we bury it so deep down! But there are roots in your heart that are holding you back from the life you’re destined to live, so today I want to talk about the process of LETTING GO! You Will Hear About: [1:10] The coach that helped Cayla let go and move forward in her business [6:30] One of the most freeing things that Cayla has ever done [8:00] An exercise you can do to let go of the negative feelings that you’re holding onto (even if you don’t know they’re there yet) Resources: Learn more from Matthew Ferry: blog.matthewferry.com The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz Connect with Cayla: Facebook | Instagram Are you enjoying the show? I want to know! http://getpodcast.reviews/id/1370982175 (Click here to leave a review on iTunes).