What Happens In Paris, Doesn’t Stay In Paris - S1 E5 'Little Fires Everywhere' Recap & Review
In a flashback, we found out Elena spent a semester abroad in Paris and had an unexpected breakup with her boyfriend Jamie, who chose to stay there. Back to present day, Elena finds out that Izzy has been going to Mia’s behind her back. Meanwhile, Lexi discovers she’s pregnant and ends up getting an abortion, listing Pearl as her patient name. Against Bill’s request, Elena rushes to NYC to investigate Mia’s past through the portrait of her in the New York Times. She reunited with Jamie to help her and when she asks him to go back to her hotel, he puts her in her narcissistic place. After Mia tells Lexi how she really feels about her, Pearl admits to Mia that she had sex with Trip. Trip and Pearl then meet at a park where he declares that she’s different than any other girl. We close the episode with Elena finding Mia’s parents and they tell her that the baby she’s pregnant with in the photograph wasn’t her baby. Hosted by: Kay Montgomery @hostkay, Trina Dong @heytrinadong, Chef Beanz @chef_beanz, Monse Bolanos @monsebolanos