Episode 6 - "Cat"astrophe!
Fina continues to investigate the history of cats in the U.S. Capitol. Papa returns to Washington for a family meal. But then catastrophe strikes. Can the Demon Cat be to blame?
The Fina Mendoza Mysteries podcast is written and produced by Kitty Felde
Our cast includes:
Amy Solano - Fina Mendoza
Monica Vigil - Gabby
Raul Garza - Papa
Mat Kaplan - House Historian
Steve Gamber - John the Staffer
Brian Bland - Capitol Tour Guide
Rosalie Fox - Veterinarian
Steve DeVorkin - Senator Something
Our tour kids are Michael Beemer, India Scaglione, and Myca Scaglione
Associate Producer - Hannah Matzecki
Associate Sound Designer - Hunter Felde
Music Composed and Performed - Andrew Barkan
Logo Designer - Imelda Hinojosa
The Fina Mendoza Mysteries podcast is based on the award-winning book “Welcome to Washington, Fina Mendoza.”
You can find out more at our website finamendozamysteries.com