16: How to Spend $700 on Your Professional Development
This week's topic is how to spend $700 on your professional development. Frances, one of our listeners, contacted me this week to say that she has $700 in a "use it or lose it" budget within the next week and wanted some advice on what to do. Since many of these resources would be helpful to all of us, it's the topic for this week's show. To reach me with questions, comments, feedback: CoachingforLeaders.com/feedback Two overarching rules to keep in mind before you do anything: Talk to people who are doing the stuff you want to do Have your own professional development plan (I use Michael Hyatt's life plan that I've discussed on prior shows) Books The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner How to Win Friends and Influence People (and the new version for the digital age) both by Dale Carnegie The 100 Best Business Books of All Time (link for the printed version) Amazon Prime - $79 a year (2 day shipping, streaming of movies, borrow one book a month for free) Publications The Wall Street Journal ($103 a year for the digital version) Chronicle of Higher Education ($72.50 a year for the digital version) Harvard Business Review ($79 a year) For help using an RSS reader see TechCouple episode #5 Professional Associations What you get? Local chapter and networking and social learning These are great for resources too - workshops, classes, book lists, seminars Many are $100-$200 annually Professional Journals Leader to Leader Journal ($200/year) Extended Education programs at local universities UCI Education is great for people in Southern California - find a great program near you! Software education Lynda.com ($25 a month or $250 annually) Here's a link for a free 7-day trial on Lynda.com iTunes U I mentioned the Justice series by Michael Sandel at Harvard Massive Open Online Courses Here's an example of one coming up from Stanford: Technology Entrepreneurship Academic Earth is a great clearinghouse for these courses The Great Courses is great for lectures and classes from top professors as well, as long as you're OK getting lots of catalogs from them Stay connected with this show on iTunes or on Facebook I'd love your feedback on this show as well as any questions or topics you'd like me to address in future shows: Visit CoachingforLeaders.com/feedback to submit comments, questions, or feedback See you in a week for the next episode!