14: Four Leadership Lessons I’m Thankful For
Welcome to the fourteenth episode of Coaching Skills for Leaders. This week's topic: Four Leadership Lessons I'm Thankful For "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act 2 To reach me with questions, comments, feedback: CoachingforLeaders.com/feedback Four stories from my career of leadership lessons I've valued: McDonald's and the value of humility How I utilize this in daily client interactions now Orientation and the value of excellence I utilize this in teaching and production of this show My first job and the value of consequences Today I utilize this to have courage "Our chief want in life is someone who shall make us do what we can." -Ralph Waldo Emerson My friend and colleague and the value of love In tough situations, find something to love about the other party More coming with this show in 2012! In the meantime, I'd like your feedback on these questions: Start: What should I start doing on the show that I'm not doing? Stop: What should I stop doing that I am doing? Continue: What should I continue doing that you feel is working? Stay connected with this show on iTunes or on Facebook I'd love your feedback on this show as well as any questions or topics you'd like me to address in future shows: Visit CoachingforLeaders.com/feedback to submit comments, questions, or feedback See you in a week for the next episode!