Ep. 10 Edward Gingerich
" Twenty-four years ago, Edward Gingerich became the first old-order Amish man in history to be convicted of criminal homicide. A year earlier he had crushed his wife's skull by repeatedly stomping her. He next scooped out Katie Gingerich's brain with his hands, then opened her up with a kitchen knife and ripped out all of her internal organs. This atrocious assault took place in the kitchen of the couple's farmhouse located in a remote section of Crawford County in Rockdale Township near Mill Village, Pennsylvania. Two of Edward's children, ages three and four, witnessed the brutal March 19, 1993 killing." - Jim Fisher
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Written and Researched by:
Kait Morris - https://www.facebook.com/kaitmorrisrw/?ref=br_rs
Editing and Production by:
David Young - @david_theginger
True Crime Finland - @tc_finland
Please check out the book "Crimson Stain" by Jim Fisher https://www.amazon.com/Crimson-Stain-Jim-Fisher/dp/1489547444/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_1
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