Conversation Street Episode 267
We're away for a couple of days this weekend, so this podcast comes to you a bit earlier this week, just covering the episodes of Corrie between the 7th and the 9th August. So, the mystery Michelle's stalker has finally been revealed, and we can't say we're that surprised. We're not really fans of Will, and this story still isn't really gripping us, sadly. Fortunately, the Steve and Leanne stuff is still gold, and the thought of Rosie working for Adam and Todd is ripe with comedy potential. The question is, will anyoe actually remember Rosie's actually had PA experience at the factory? After Street Talk, we've got another cast interview for you to enjoy - this week with Jennie McAlpine! We chat with her for half an hour about everything Fiz - if you enjoyed last week's interview with Brooke, you're going to love this! Speaking of Brooke, it turns out that talking to us wasn't even the most exciting thing to happen to her last Friday - she also managed to get herself stuck in a lift! That's the lead story in The Kabin later in the episode, and we round things off as usual with some listener feedback.