TikTok And ya Don't Stop w/ Adam Forstadt
This week, Joe interviews Adam Forstadt, Executive Content Director at SJR in Los Angeles. Starting with creating short 20-minute comedy skits for his college’s TV station, Adam eventually found his way into marketing.In this episode, Joe and Adam talk about a variety of topics which include, but are not limited to social media, nostalgia in marketing, the value of apps like TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram, the current state of marketing, and returning to your ex and a motorcycle to impress them. A big topic they come around to discussing is how companies can stay on top of the ever flowing pop culture trends.Thank you for listening to the Explicit Content Podcast. For more information, check out enterprisemarketer.com.Full Show Notes and Transcripts: https://emktr.co/ecp18 For Adam:Website: adamforstadt.com LinkedIn:linkedin.com/in/adamforstadt/TikTok: @adamtrending this week and @adamsad next weekWhere you can find Joe Cox: Website - https://www.pop-marketer.com/Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jocox/Twitter - https://twitter.com/joenormal