Just Stop With The Influencers and Hire Ambassadors
Explicit Content Podcast – Show NotesHost:Katie MartellDate:11.08.2019Headline:Carlos a Katie Talk Influencers and why that word needs to die alreadyLink:Show NotesWelcome back to another week of the Explicit Content Podcast! Katie Martell hosts this episode from the Adobe Summit 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. In this week’s installment, Katie interview Carlos Gil, author of End of Marketing and renowned strategist, marketer, and speaker.Carlos and Katie dig deep into why the concept of “social media influencers” is ridiculous and why rebranding them as “brand ambassadors” would better suit what companies are looking for. Carlos shares his thoughts on the matter, as well as other means of marketing.Sticking with social media, Carlos talks up the value of social media, how it can only help promote products more and more, and how he started working with it in its infancy. Working with it so early on in its life, Carlos also tells some stories about how it helped him to get to where he is now.Carlos Gil: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlosgilonline/Katie Martell: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiemartell/