Episode 144. Christmas gifts for gardeners
Join me in episode 144, where I share the latest happenings on the plots and a Christmas gifts for gardeners. The diary. Each week I share with you all what I have been doing on the vegetable patch and allotment in this last week, including, A new quail cage the video can be found Planting out some seedlings Sowing some shallots. To find out more please listen to this weeks episode. Christmas gifts for gardeners. As Christmas is less than a month away I felt it was time to go to Amazon and find a few gift ideas that might be of interest to you all. Please click on the images to take you to the Amazon item page. First on my list is a tradesman knife from Rolson. This knife is one I have with me all the time and is great for when you need a knife to quickly make some cuts. This item is fairly inexpensive and would make a great stocking filler. My next item is a chocolate growing kit. This is not something I have tried but nonetheless, I like to grow my own food, I like chocolate.This kit comprises of everything needed to grow chocolate scented flowers. The next item is another that I have used. This gardeners utility belt is a great piece of kit to store small items to have at hand when working in the garden. With decent storage pockets and well thought out design, I have been really pleased with my belt. Finally, I have the Burgon and ball sharpening steel. Keeping tools sharp makes work easier faster and safer and with this tool its easy to keep tools sharp as you work. Burgon and ball have a good reputation for making quality tools and I am sure this will last for many many years. If you have anything to add please get in touch either with the comments below or contact me directly through our contact page.