Georgia Whalen, President of Rivergate Marketing - Episode 12
This week you get to know Georgia Whalen, president, and owner of Rivergate Marketing, a firm specializing in industrial automation companies. Georgia started her company and reentered the workforce in 2008 after raising her three children. We can all imagine how challenging that must have been given the economic forces at the time. Perseverance and tenacity won out as they often do and now Georgia and her staff perform marketing services for many CSIA system integrators including setting a strategy, blogging and social media management. Georgia discusses how engineers and technical people shop and research. She warns against the “old fashioned” viewpoint that business will always just walk in the door through referrals and repeat customers, something established system integrators have enjoyed in the past. Finally, Georgia helps us understand how to start marketing if you’re at ground zero. Visit Georgia’s company on our buyers guide. Enjoy getting to know Georgia Whalen.