Heather Pearce Campbell: The Legal Website Warrior

In this episode, Steve Fretzin and Heather Pearce Campbell discuss: The massive opportunities in the legal industry if there is a slight focus shift.  Recognizing where your potential customers are spending time.  Differentiation is a way to stand out from the crowd.  The discovery process that comes before committing to marketing and branding.    Key Takeaways: Show up, be in the conversation, and position yourself as the expert in your space, even before people are looking and recognize they need your services.  Don’t be afraid to niche down and get very specific on what you do.  It’s about breaking the black box legal model. You can give value and have that value come back to you in huge ways if you’re willing to put information and yourself out there.  Study what other businesses (not law firms) are doing and what they are doing well.    "Collectively, we have a variety of opportunities, firms have different opportunities than solos and smaller practitioners do. But all together, we have an opportunity to be more creative about the way that we show up more creative about the way that we are in conversation with people who should be our clients." —  Heather Pearce Campbell   Connect with Heather Pearce Campbell:   Website: LegalWebsiteWarrior.com a PearceLawServices.com Email: Heather@PearceLawServices.com a Info@LegalWebsiteWarrior.com Phone: 206-799-2539 Show: Guts, Grit a Great Business - legalwebsitewarrior.com/blog/category/podcast Instagram: instagram.com/thelegalwebsitewarrior LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/heatherpearcecampbell Facebook: facebook.com/HeatherPearceCampbell   Connect with Steve Fretzin: LinkedIn: Steve Fretzin Twitter: @stevefretzin Facebook: Fretzin, Inc. Website: Fretzin.com Email: Steve@Fretzin.com Book: The Ambitious Attorney: Your Guide to Doubling or Even Tripling Your Book of Business and more! YouTube: Steve Fretzin Call Steve directly at 847-602-6911     Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie   Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

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