35 - Peter Conti-Brown on *The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve*
Peter Conti-Brown is an Assistant Professor at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He joins the show to discuss his new book, *The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve,* which exams the evolution of the Federal Reserve and what central bank independence really means. Peter also shares his thoughts on what a Trump presidency might mean for monetary policy. David’s bio: http://macromarketmusings.blogspot.com/ Peter’s UPenn bio: https://lgst.wharton.upenn.edu/profile/30645/ David’s Twitter: @davidbeckworth Peter’s Twitter: @PeterContiBrown Related links: *The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve* by Peter Conti-Brown https://www.amazon.com/Power-Independence-Federal-Reserve/dp/0691164002 *America’s Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve* by Roger Lowenstein https://www.amazon.com/Americas-Bank-Struggle-Federal-Reserve/dp/1594205493