Data Science Happy Hours 14, 18DEC2020
The Data Science Happy Hours Holiday edition! You don't want to miss this one. We had some of the most influential names from the LinkedIn Data Science community in attendence! Check it out and don't forget to register for future office hours: If you want to interact with me multiple times a week, join Data Science Dream Job for 70% off: Watch the episode on YouTube here: We were voted one of the top ten data science podcasts by FeedSpot - check it out here: Chat Transcript: SHOW NOTES [00:02:05] Work-life balance of a data scientist [00:06:27] “So, to answer your question, data science is just a regular ass job” [00:08:45] Hello to everyone who joined! [00:09:58] So many ways to learn, which one should I choose? [00:12:26] Moving from project management to data science [00:14:19] Dave share’s his perspective after 20 years in the data industry [00:16:18] Tips for being more active on LinkedIn [00:17:16] Susan – The Classification Guru – shares her tips for posting on LinkedIn [00:18:45] Giovanna shares her tips on being positive on LinkedIn [00:20:27] Greg Coquillo - LinkedIn Top Voice for Data Science 2020 – shares his tips on creating content and networking on LinkedIn [00:24:06] What are your tips for debugging code? [00:24:38] Liuna – Senior Data Scientist at IBM – shares her tips for debugging code [00:25:28] Srivatsan Srinivasan shares his tips on how to debug code [00:28:35] Carlos Mercado talks about Debugging in R [00:30:21] Monica Kay Royal shares her secrets for debugging code [00:31:15] George Firican shares some tips as well! [00:32:08] Joe Reis closes out the discussion on debugging [00:37:32] A big debate on the never end Python vs R question [00:42:47] What are your expectations from someone in a junior data scientist position? [00:43:14] Sarah shares what she’s looking for in a junior level candidate [00:44:42] What Srivatsan looks for in a junior data scientist [00:45:53] Monica, what do you look for in a junior data scientist? [00:46:39] What Vin Vashishta looks for in a junior data scientist? [00:47:51] Liuna what do you look for in a junior data scientist? [00:49:09] Mikiko what do you look for in a junior data scientist? [00:51:55] What does Kamrin look for in an junior data scientist? [00:53:39] How to stay motivated and re-evaluate your hustle when you’re in the job search? [00:56:24] Sarah shares some tips on turning applications into interviews [00:58:19] Mikiko shares some words of encouragement as well [01:01:17] Ben shares some advice on what to so with the crazy job descriptions [01:05:25] Jean-Sebastian shares some advice as well [01:08:25] Greg Coquillo adds to the discussion on what to do when you don’t hear back from applying for a job [01:10:13] Liuna closes out the discussion [01:11:51] Eric comes in and shares a LinkedIn hack. Also asks a question on scoring clusters [01:14:06] Dave has an answer to this tough question [01:17:06] Greg has a question on Federated Learning [01:27:13] Switching to python from a SAS background [01:34:04] We congratulate a member of the community on landing a job! [01:38:39] What’s the difference between a data scientist and a data analyst? [01:58:41] Why do you do these happy hours? Special Guests: Carlos Mercado, David Tello, Greg Coquillo, Mikiko Bazeley, Srivatsan Srinivasan, and Vin Vashishta.