Data Science Happy Hours 11, 27NOV2020
The Data Science Happy Hours keep getting happier! Guest's that came by: Thom Ives, Dave Langer, Giovanna Malaga, Monica Kay Royal, and so many more! Check it out and don't forget to register for future office hours: If you want to interact with me multiple times a week, join Data Science Dream Job for 70% off: Watch the episode on YouTube here: We were voted one of the top ten data science podcasts by FeedSpot - check it out here: Checkout Nicole's article shouting out the show: I was on the Rising Laterally Podcast, check it out here: SHOW NOTES [00:04:28] New to data science, trying to get to work experience, and need some tips [00:08:04] How do I find out what problems data scientists solving in various industries? [00:11:03] How to stay up on trends in the industry [00:12:52] How to understand what the business needs [00:14:52] One of the most interesting hires Joe made was a 19 year old punk rocker [00:16:07] Have more than just technical virtuosity [00:17:35] How to go from academia to industry [00:20:07] What challenges do you see somebody facing coming from an academic background that primarily uses R in that research setting to somebody who's going to be using it in a business type of role? [00:21:41] How to get hired at Amazon [00:22:49] Speaking of getting a job at Amazon, LinkedIn top twenty twenty cockier is actually an employee of Amazon. So what does someone need to do to get a job at Amazon? [00:25:30] Your previous work experience can still benefit you [00:26:35] Do you need a masters in to be a data scientist? [00:30:21] Don’t lead a life of meeting spec [00:33:58] Books to get business intuition [00:35:08] I just completed a masters in math, do I need to do a bootcamp? [00:38:30] Some great recommendations for SQL each project. [00:41:08] I'd like to get my management onboard into automating data integration and consistent dashboards. Do you have any specific suggestions for what goes into the elevator pitch to management over? [00:44:56] How to get ETL experience when you already know SQL [00:47:39] A question on text analytics [00:51:35] How much big data knowledge do I need? [00:54:39] What do you think is causing the shift back to the data warehouse? [00:57:08] Which book should I read to get up to speed on production ready code? [00:58:57] How do I choose the right data and how do I solve a problem? [01:01:08] Greg asks an awesome question about costs and benefits of automation [01:07:39] What makes a good data scientist? Special Guest: Greg Coquillo.