S04 E03: Dr. Mickey Mehta
Get Mickemised !! One look at him and he can give any young guy a run for his money with his energy, fitness levels and exuberance, Dr. Mickey Mehta, 59, is an author, a leading global holistic health guru, a legendary Fitness and Life coach to Bollywood superstars, top politicians, India Inc. and several Miss Worlds and Miss Universes. He was the first personal trainer of India, fitness columnist and fitness tv and radio presenter in India. He preaches the concept of hostile health and equipment-free workouts. He has also trained police, army, navy and air force personnel. An honorary double doctorate in Holistic Health and Life Sciences, from the Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Mickey has won many awards, and is the author of bestseller 'The Shoonyam Quotient' and 'Lose weight gain shape'. Dr. Mickey Mehta completed 50 years of yoga on the auspicious day of his birthday 29th August when he turned 59 and 39 years in the industry. You can follow Vishal on Twitter: @VishalGondal(https://twitter.com/VishalGondal) You can follow Mickey on Twitter: @drmickeymehta(https://twitter.com/mickeymehta?s=21)You can follow Nikkhil on Instagram: @drmickeymehta(https://instagram.com/mickey_mehta?igshid=1e3cise8b4cw2) You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app. You can check out our website at http://www.ivmpodcasts.com/