Summer Best-Of-Series: Dr. Darria Long Gillespie
When Meaghan, her 3 kids, husband and 71-year-old mom tested positive for COVID-19 back in February, Dr. Darria Long was Team Murphy’s first call. The Harvard + Yale-trained ER doctor had already been on OTG to talk the co-hosts through all things COVID-19 and now she would play a vital role in the family’s healing, providing the ultimate recovery toolkit. Once she was well, Meaghan was desperate to share Dr. Darria’s expert advice with the OTG community. Listen in for everything you need to know about battling the virus especially as numbers begin to creep up again and here’s an episode cheat sheet:
If your COVID test comes back positive, then for the next 14 days, do the following:
-Every 1 to 2 hours, stand up and walk around
-Every 1 to 2 hours, do breathing exercises (inhale deeply, then slowly exhale through pursed lips like you’re blowing out birthday candles)
-When you lay down, try laying down on your side or stomach, or at a minimum, laying at an elevated recline vs. flat
-Vitamin C 500mg 2x daily
-Vitamin D 2,000 IU daily
-Zinc 75mg once a day with food
-Pepcid 20mg daily
-1 baby aspirin daily (unless doc has ever told you not to take aspirin)
-Isolate yourself from others (including those living in the same house as you) for 10 days since onset of symptoms OR when your test was taken AND until symptoms are improving AND you don’t need medications for fever for 72 hours
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