Why Lifelong Learning is Key in Treasury with Doug Williamson
In this episode, we’re talking all about the importance of education within the treasury and financial field. I’m joined by the all-time expert on all of this, the one and only Doug Williamson, the Course Director for Finance eLearning at the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education. Doug is also the Lead Tutor for the Certificate in Strategic Business a Management, Accounting a Finance course, and Peer Reviewer for Birmingham Business School MSc in Financial Management. His encouraging and supportive teaching style gives his students the confidence to stay engaged in financial decision-making and the courage to say, "I don't understand", when they don't. He believes that many financial problems could have been averted if a decision maker had been brave enough to admit that they didn't understand. Doug has a fascinating career history and a particular interest in neurodiversity, neuroplasticity, and the sustainability of human capital. "Doug has a deep and incisive understanding of the subjects that he specialises in and has that rare ability of sharing his clear conceptual understanding with others in a way that they find instantly accessible." - Vijay Lee, subject group leader Finance a Financial Management, London South Bank University. On the podcast we discussed… A brief overview of Doug’s career history How Doug became the Course Director for Finance eLearning at the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education Why you have to learn to implement what you’ve been taught How to articulate your findings to others in a way that makes sense Why having evidence of qualifications can help you go further How to get the highest return on investment for financial education courses Why learning to write well is an important skill for treasurers Why you must continue learning even after you’ve got all of the necessary qualifications Doug shares his top tips for treasurers and financial professionals and emphasises the importance of ‘buddying up’ If you’d like to get in touch with Doug, you can connect with him via https://www.linkedin.com/in/dougwilliamsonfct/ (LinkedIn). If you’re interested in finding out more about the University of Cambridge online Finance course, https://www.ice.cam.ac.uk/course/essential-finance-you-0 (click here). Are you interested in pursuing a career within Treasury? Whether you’ve recently graduated, or you want to search for new job opportunities to help develop your treasury career, The Treasury Recruitment Company can help you in your search for the perfect job. Find out more here. Or, send us your CV and let us help you in your next career move! If you’re enjoying the show please rate and review us on whatever podcast app you listen to us on, for Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-treasury-career-corner/id1436647162?mt=2 (click here)!