GMAT Quant 02 | Number Properties Questions | GMAT Sample Questions
3 GMAT Practice Questions in Number Properties. These questions were provided as practice question in the last GMAT podcast episode. In this episode of Wizako's GMAT podcast, we discuss detailed solution to the questions.Question 1 - GMAT Problem Solving - GMAT 600 Level QuestionWhich of the following numbers is irrational? A. Sqrt (20/45)B. (7 sqrt(3))/sqrt 27C. 1/sqrt 64D. 7/3.1E. sqrt(36/63)Question 2 - GMAT Data Sufficiency - GMAT 650 Level QuestionIs the positive number x an integer?Statement 1: 5x is an integer.Statement 2: x/5 is an integer.Question 3 - GMAT Data Sufficiency - GMAT 700 Level QuestionIf a, b, and c are non-zero numbers, how many of these three numbers are positive numbers?Statement 1: a + b + c g 0Statement 2: The number of negative numbers is more than the number of positive numbers among these three numbers.