EP23: Carlos Marin Interviews Kimberly about Natural Birth, Gender Roles, and Explorat
EP: Magamama talks about natural birth, gender roles, and exploratory sex with Carlos Marin Jr.
In this episode, I share:
- My birth story and soul calling to write The Fourth Trimester; the realities of postpartum care today
- Information for men postpartum, role of the masculine in birth, and why we’re not optimizing our biology
- How to reframe sex postpartum; why childbirth is the one thing that makes us reconsider the way we’re doing sex
- Why birth is also a death and other thoughts on rites of passage
- Thoughts on losing control and increasing your capacity to hold charge
- Natural birth vs. hospital birth and how to choose the right care providers
- Tid-bits on exploratory sex, the connection between birth and sex, and sexological bodywork
You will hear:
- Is my pelvis going to split in two? And more from my birth story (2:52)
- Is postpartum depression related to a lack of information? (5:24)
- What’s missing from the 6-week postpartum visit (6:29)
- Information for men postpartum (8:09)
- Reframing the conversation about sex (8:55)
- It’s okay to not want penetrative sex and other ways to connect (9:10)
- Childbirth is one thing that makes us consider the way we’re doing sex (9:27)
- What is a rite of passage? How does it differ in other cultures? (12:11)
- One of the hallmarks of a rite of passage is a death (13:39)
- A man’s role in birth is to protect the birth space (21:13)
- How do you approach prenatal education? (26:25)
- The two doctors in North County San Diego for natural birth (27:20)
- Realizing natural births are as safe as hospital births (28:13)
- How do you prepare someone to lose control? (30:12)
- Exploratory sex is awesome preparation for birth (31:12)
- Many women don’t get to lose control during a hospital birth (34:08)
- Go to the doulas and the midwives to find natural birth doctors (36:00)
- Find a care provider who believes in women and natural childbirth = activist (36:50)
- How Carlos dealt with seeing his wife in “pain” during childbirth (38:08)
- History of birth, witch trials; patriarchy (40:26)
- On hospitals and creating a birthing environment (45:13)
- What is a doula? (47:17)
- The Fourth Trimester (Dec. 26) and why people should read (51:30)
- My vision that all women can reclaim full sexual expression (59:40)
- What does postpartum mean to you? (1:00:21)
- How do birth and sex relate? (1:01:25)
- What do you do as a sexological bodyworker? (1:09:29)
Two doctors in North County San Diego for natural birth:
Dr. Capetanakis at Scripps Encinitas; Dr. Cobb at Pomerado