EP17: Ellen Heed on the Four Domains of Pelvic Health- Biomechanics, Biochemistry, Trauma/Emotions and Scar Tissue
Ellen Heed on the Four Domains of Pelvic Health- Biomechanics, Biochemistry, Trauma/Emotions and Scar Tissue
What Ellen Shares:
- How to assess the origins of pain in the body, and the four domains of health
- Your unconscious mind lives in your body!
- How castor oil and self-massage can to help heal your scar tissue
- How those with elastic connective tissue are drawn toward yoga and veganism … and how that can contribute to tears and injuries during birth
- How diet (especially eating animal products) influences healing
- The differences between collagenous and elastic people
- Her February Touch Skills workshop with Kimberly, where you can learn to feel the difference between emotional tension, biochemical tension & scar tissue in the pelvis
What You’ll Hear:
- The four domains of health - biochemical (inflammation), emotional (tension stuck in the body), biomechanical (posture, ergonomics, constitution), and scar tissue (1:06)
- Painful sex origins (1:38)
- Scars affect our physiology (6:10)
- Birth has a potential of scar tissue, which can cause pelvic/sexual pain (6:35)
- One domain of health affects another (7:51)
- The difference between scars and adhesions (9:24)
- Chronic emotional upset causes inflammation (9:45)
- Is your problem scar tissue? (13:02)
- Scar tissue as a cause of bad posture, and a result of it (15:29)
- Connecting pain, trauma, and biomechanics with scar tissue (17:28)
- Connective tissue characteristics: are you chewing gum or a superball? (19:54)
- Using collagen products to supplement after birth (22:18)
- Case study: how veganism might influence healing after a pelvic floor tear (22:35)
- Can your body heal well, without eating meat? (24:28)
- Our relationship to the world based on our connective tissue (27:00)
- People who are more collagenous are more extroverted, shoot from the hip, and move toward diarrhea under stress, and do very well on a plant based diet; people who are more elastin are more introverted, take a long time to make decisions, move toward constipation under stress, and tend to build a weak type of scar tissue, unless they have animal protein in their diets (28:40)
- How do we know when tension is emotional? (34:40)
- How important it is to have tools in all four domains of health (37:35)
- Assessment is everything (38:18)
- 39:25 - 39:47 Audio problem
- You can feel the difference between emotional tension, biochemical tension & scar tissue (39:48)
- Touch skills workshop with Ellen and Kimberly - learn how to feel these differences (41:49)