NTTFGPOD Ep.006 w/Smilin' Sam Alvey
Covidiot Sessions:
The 2 schmucks discuss one of Rock's fave places to eat.
- We go over Tom Brady and Bill Belichick's upcoming season and who will prevail
- Music, Sports, Comedy, and a trainwreck all in one season of The Tiger King on Netflix.
We feel normal after watching the first episode
- And lastly, we have a great pre-fight chat with our friend Smilin' Sam Alvey
and his fight vs. Ryan Spann at UFC 249 May 9th.
We talk about his mindset going into this fight, why his smile is as powerful as his punch, and will his intro music "Soul Sister" by TRAIN be his walking partner to the cage.
@smilensam @super-spann @UFC