15: Eco-Hydraulics and life in moving fluids, 17.08.2017
15 | 0:00:00 Start 0:01:30 Lectures outline 0:04:00 Lecture 1.1 – An introduction to Eco–Hydraulics and fish locomotion 0:04:05 What is Eco–Hydraulics? 0:05:43 Fish–migration 0:07:12 Hydraulic barriers and threats 0:16:04 The big picture 0:19:00 Fish locomotion 0:31:56 Fish sensing 0:45:36 Sight (slightly off topic) 0:47:30 References 0:48:10 Lecture 1.2 – Swimming and living in hydrodynamiclly–complex environments 0:48:33 The big picture 0:49:02 Hydrodynamically–complex environments 0:50:05 Turbulence in open channel flows 1:08:04 Swimming in turbulent flows 1:32:27 Other energy–saving strategies 1:38:07 Summary 1:38:43 Refrences