#27 Help your students benefit from the Cultural Arts
Today I want to talk specifically about the Cultural Arts. This is a fun topic because there are so many beautiful traditions and believes expressed through the arts from all over the world. The beauty of it is far greater than most students actually comprehend. Dive in with me today as I share a little about the benefits of diversity in cultural arts and how to provide opportunities for your students to engage and grow from the arts. The disabled dance community Alice Sheppard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-qfZA1V7Yo Antoine Hunter https://www.realurbanjazzdance.com/mr-antoine-hunter.html She without arm, he without leg - ballet - Hand in Hand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTrb6i7gJAk Benefits of the Cultural Arts http://createquity.com/issue/benefits/ Scottish Cultural Arts http://www.highlandechoes.com/