What is it that you want to achieve?
Hello from Kerstin and happy new year! In today's show, I've got notes for you on what really mattered for language learning in 2017, and how you can make the most out of these for your own path to fluency. Lessons from 2017: Best practices aren’t going anywhere Ask yourself what you want to achieve Get out of the house and use what you know Contribute to your community Getting organised is the key to actually using those best practices: Plan - Track - Review Setting goals helps me get out of my comfort zone - I’ve never self-studied a language to this level and I can totally do it The Year in Language Learning Events Polyglot Gathering in Bratislava It was warm, busy, and great to visit this Slovak city The organisation was outstanding and there was a real sense of interest in almost every talk A lot of people enjoyed the no-English zone I gave a talk on how to talk to people and the feedback was very interesting (no it was NOT about chatting up girls) Already bought my ticket for 2018 Langfest in Montreal It was warm again, a slightly smaller event, and with so many great volunteers and organisers Langfest stood out in how media-savvy it was, there was live streaming, lots of web coverage, even a little podcasting room Montréal is an amazing city for any polyglot Languages of London A smaller meet-up, great for connecting The podcast came back this year!! Thank you all so much for listening and supporting us. * Thank you to my wonderful guests this year: Madeline Vadkerty and Marianne Manz, Gabriel Wyner, Chuck Smith, Kris Broholm, Shannon Kennedy * Thank you to our sponsor Clozemaster, and the future sponsors who have shown interest in supporting the Creative Language Learning Podcast * A special thank you to my co-host Lindsay Williams * Please review!!