The Best Tools for Language Learning in Spring/Summer 2016
Topic: The Best Tools for Language Learning in Spring/Summer 2016 Episode 38 is brought to you with friendly support from italki. Do visit their site and check out the awesome Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer to learn from native speakers today. Kerstin and Lindsay bring you the ultimate Spring/Summer collection of language learning tools. We each nominated three things we regularly use for learning languages and discussed how to make them teach you a language. "I'm not as good as I think I am - but that's a good thing because it motivates me to work harder." Lindsay And if that's not enough, we then went ahead and created our own language learning chart for you. Listen to the show to find out our absolute top recommendation. Do You Agree With Our Language Chart? You can get in touch with us and tell us what you thought by 1) leaving us an iTunes review by visiting our itunes page and clicking "Ratings and Reviews" 2) using hashtag #cllp (or #kerstinyouold) on Twitter (I am @kerstinhammes and Lindsay is @ldlanguages). And once again, thanks so much to our sponsors Italki - please support our show by visiting them today.