#15- [SCRAMBLE]- Approaching Happiness- Prakhar Gupta
On this episode of the podcast, your host Prakhar delves into his journey with happiness. He speaks about his past and present and how he uses the experiences, wisdom, and knowledge from the two to shape his future. He divulges into his personal recipe for happiness via tools of scientific inquiries and books. 'I have forever been holding happiness as a central theme in my life. I have thought, read, and researched a lot on the subject and have managed to conceptualize a fashion of including the building blocks for a happy existence into my life. This is a story of a journey into the details of the depths of happiness and how I personally manage my life around that notion. It is honest, authentic, and informative. Hope you like it.' Prakhar, the host of this podcast, is a student of Economics and Psychology at Columbia University in the City of New York. He has been a student of accountancy, finance, and corporate law in the past. He shares an immense passion for politics and philosophy and is a ready debater on almost all issues that he comes to face. Visit: artofconversation.in/sos Art of Conversation Learns to have better conversations with anyone. Taught by Prakhar himself artofconversation.in Connect with us online pgradio.com@pgradio.live on Instagram Get in touch: email: asim@pgradio.com