1. My Personal Story - How I Learned The Law Of Attraction a My First Two Manifestation Stories
Hi beautiful soul! Welcome to the Manifest Your Life Podcast! Thank you so much for tuning in! This is my first EVER episode on this podcast a I wanted to start it off with my purpose for YOU listening to this podcast as well as how in the world I got into Manifestation/ Law of Attraction in the first place! In this first episode, I share my two first manifestation stories and how those two incidents ignited this belief that I still hold today - that we are powerful beyond belief and we can design a live a life we are absolutely obsessed with. Tune in to this podcast weekly for your daily dose of inspiration to MANIFEST your ideal reality! xo Anette Follow me over on IG: @anettedelarosa Check out my site a Programs; www.anettedelarosa.com DESIGN YOUR LIFE PROGRAM