The Different Facets of GI Leadership with Amy Oxentenko, MD

In this podcast episode, Amy Oxentenko, MD, discusses the importance of adapting in her leadership roles and shares her thoughts on creating transparent, inclusive spaces in practice, and more.

  • Intro :02
  • Welcome to this episode of Gut Talk :23
  • The interview & about Oxentenko :38
  • Were there people that influenced your decision to transition from advanced math to medicine? 1:59
  • How did you end up migrating towards a field like GI? 3:10
  • How did the smaller percentages of women in the field when you started make you feel and influence you as a gastroenterologist and leader? 5:36
  • About concerns on the sides of employers and prospective female employees regarding discussion of starting a family, parental leave in an interview 7:53
  • Can you tell us about the study you recently published on the biases towards female house officers? 11:55
  • Do you have advice for young women on how to approach that discussion with potential employers, and how we can handle this type of discussion? 13:54
  • Are there any life lessons you want to talk about in regard to the different roles you have had over the years? 15:54
  • What are your perspectives on what you learned from your experiences being a chair of medicine during the pandemic? 19:06
  • How did you adapt to a set of circumstances that are really different than your usual style of leadership? 22:15
  • Can you tell us about some of the tactical things you’re doing now to adapt to how patients have become accustomed to telehealth? 24:13
  • Are there any initiatives underway that may help the rest of us think about how to navigate this time as we all try to get back to normal and restore a sense of community? 27:21
  • About Maintenance of Certification (MOC) and Dr. Oxentenko’s efforts to create alternative pathways to the 10-year exam 29:31
  • As part of the executive chain and future president for the American College of Gastroenterology, where do you think the college should focus their attention in these next couple of years? 34:05
  • What are some of the tactical things that institutions can do to promote inclusivity that might not be as obvious? … What have you seen that actually moves the needle forward? 37:52
  • Thank you, Dr. Oxentenko 40:52
  • Thanks for listening 41:09

Amy Oxentenko, MD, is chair of the department of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona.

We’d love to hear from you! Send your comments/questions to Follow us on Twitter @HealioGastro @sameerkberry @umfoodoc. For more from Dr. Oxentenko, follow @AmyOxentenkoMD on Twitter.

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