Live Inspired with John O'Leary
When John O’Leary was a nine-year-old boy, he was burned on 100% of his body. He was in his garage playing with matches and gasoline—just like he’d had seen the older boys on his block do. A fire exploded, consuming the garage, sending him flying back against the wall and turning his whole world upside down. He talks with Larry & Rebecca about how he was given 1% chance to live. Now, 36-years later, John is living an inspired life. He has two national best-selling books “On Fire” and “In Awe.” he’s a podcast host, an in-demand international speaker and is someone who intimately understands the impact that Parkinson’s can have on a family. Email Larry and Rebecca: Have questions, comments, or a story idea? We would love you to click here and leave a message Follow us, Larry & Rebecca Gifford Twitter: @ParkinsonsPod Facebook: Instagram: @parkinsonspod KEY LINKS John O’Leary Website Live Inspired Podcast · Episode featuring Larry & Rebecca Gifford and When Life Gives You Parkinson’s Books · On Fire: The 7 Choices to Ignite a Radically Inspired Life · In Awe: Rediscover our childlike wonder + unleash inspiration, meaning and joy. Facebook @JohnOLearyRisingAbove Instagram @joholeary.inspires Linked In @John-O-Leary-08b2805 Twitter @JOLearyInspires Thanks to Curiouscast Dila Velazquez – Story Producer Greg Schott – Sound Design Our Presenting Partner is Parkinson Canada. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s? You are not alone. Contact presenting partner Parkinson Canada, call the toll free hotline 1-800-565-3000 or on Twitter you can message @ParkinsonCanada. Thanks also to our content and promotional partners The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s Parkinson’s IQ + You Events PD Avengers – We are building a global alliance to end Parkinson’s. Join us. World Parkinson Congress 2023 – It’s time to make your congress and hotel registrations. Details on the website. Spotlight YOPD – One of the only Parkinson’s organizations dedicated to raising awareness for Young Onset Parkinson’s disease and funds for the Cure Parkinson’s Trust.