E11: 6 VERY FUNNY Idioms And Their Uses.
Learn 6 funny idioms and 15+ new vocab. The video with subtitles, pictures and definitions is available here: https://youtu.be/jURxk0YoAsA
Today we learn the idioms 'a bun in the oven', 'to lose one's marbles', 'knock yourself out', 'a bull in a china shop', 'bite the dust' and 'to get your goat'.
- -Podcasts every Sunday 5pm (GMT+7) with scripts: simpleenglishlistening.buzzsprout.com
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Here, I speak in SIMPLE English about exciting topics. The best way to learn is to listen to as much English as possible which is ONE level above your level. This way you pick up maximum amounts of new language and pronunciation naturally.
These podcasts are for pre-intermediate, intermediate and upper-intermediate learners.
My name is Tristan, from England. I'm a native speaker and I've been a qualified English teacher for nearly 10 years and taught in five countries - UK, Italy, South Korea, Japan and Vietnam. I have post-graduate qualifications in education and English-teaching.