Doom (2016)
The Two Player Bros are taking a trip to Hell for the reboot (or is it a sequel?) of the grand-daddy of all first person shooters, Doom (2016), from Id Software. In this episode, Mike and Dave explore how the developers turned this aging franchise into a reinvigorated blockbuster by going back to its roots. Dave plays "How Much Do They Weigh?" with the Doom Slayer and his movements. Mike teaches Dave about the auto-map feature. The Bros also discuss how the music in the game honors the originals while also becoming a heavy metal driving force for your demon slaying. This all leads up for the next episode of 2pB where they tackle the brand new Doom: Eternal. Check us out at ( And visit ( for more great retro chiptunes! Doom (2016) available on Xbox One, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Doom: Eternal available on Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC.