#42 Consumer Protection Year In Review
This past year was a year full of important developments for regulators and self-regulators on cutting-edge domestic and international consumer protection enforcement issues, including native advertising, endorsements, consumer reviews used for claims substantiation, privacy, data security, and more. Hear from experts and the people in the trenches regarding current enforce- ment and policy priorities and initiatives. SESSION CHAIR/MODERATOR/SPEAKER Deon WOODS BELL, Senior International Attorney - Counsel for International Consumer Protection and Data Privacy, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC SPEAKERS Joanna BOLTON, Legal Director, Dell Inc., Washington, DC Gustav W. EYLER, Director, Consumer Protection Branch, U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Division, Washington, DC Anahid UGURLAYAN, Assistant Director of Communications, National Advertising Division, Better Business Bureau National Programs, Inc., New York, NY