#40 Merger Analysis Gone Digital: Time To Reboot?
Antitrust enforcers are facing calls for more active merger enforcement, particularly in the tech sector. Is more enforcement necessary? If so, are existing antitrust concepts and tools up to the task? For nascent acquisitions, how can competitive effects be assessed including impact on innovation or ability to disrupt, and what remedies should or could be considered for prior acquisitions? SESSION CHAIR/MODERATOR Haidee L. SCHWARTZ, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer a Feld LLP, Washington, DC SPEAKERS Foad HOSEINIAN, Sullivan a Cromwell LLP, Brussels Diana L. MOSS, President, American Antitrust Institute, Washington, DC Carl SHAPIRO, Charles River Associates, Berkeley, CA The Honorable Christine S. WILSON, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC